100,000th vehicle off the line ahead of shutdown!

Week 3

Week 3: 3/31/2024 - 4/7/2024

Welcome to the Rivian report, an incredibly thrilling and exhilarating adventure that aims to shed light on every captivating aspect of Rivian. As we embark on this journey together, week after week, we promise to delve deep into the realms of the latest news, awe-inspiring events, and invaluable information surrounding the ever-evolving world of Rivian. Brace yourself for an unparalleled experience as we uncover the most intriguing happenings within the realm of Rivian, leaving no stone unturned.


Rivian hit a major milestone this week with their 100,000th car rolling off the production line. This is an impressive feat that was achieved within 30 months of production at their facility in Normal, IL. RJ and team celebrated this achievement with posts on X, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Per my calculations, from their first sales in 2021 until currently, they have now delivered 85,000 electric vehicles. They are currently sitting on an inventory of approximately 15,000 vehicles heading into shutdown.

On April 2nd Rivian announced production and delivery totals for the quarter, ending March 31, 2024. The company produced 13,980 vehicles at its manufacturing facility in Normal, Illinois and delivered 13,588 vehicles during the same period. This is a slight decline QOQ but ahead of guidance and Wall Street expectations. Expect Q2 production and deliveries to be down due to the planned shutdown from April 5th - 30th.

The DHL global vans that have been spotted several times over the past few weeks were on the move this week. Photos were captured of both DHL EDV vans being towed - where do you think their final destination will be?

Rivian was given a rating of Top Safety Pick + status by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS). This is the highest rating IIHS can give and it beat out other trucks including the Toyota Tundra for safety ratings.

On Thursday April 4, 2024 it was announced that Rivian had emailed all existing Rivian owners with instructions on how to opt-in to receive an adapter - Make sure to claim yours by clicking the link in your email!

Adapters will begin shipping in April, and they will prioritize their longest-standing owners for earliest fulfillment.

The shutdown at the Rivian factory has officially begun. CEO RJ Scaringe posted a video Friday night on X showing RJ standing on the final assembly line with no vehicles in sight

Rivian Adventure Network

No exciting news this week.

But keep checking back - Rivian has 20 sites marked as “Rivian Adventure Network coming soon” on their interactive map!

Rivian Lease Updates

At this time, you can now lease a brand-new Rivian in 26 states! No additional states were added this week. Where would you like to see Rivian allow leasing next?

All things R2 R3 and R3x

This week, Rivian brought the R2, R3, and R3X to Normal, IL. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday workers at the Rivian factory had the ability to see the vehicles hands on and shared great pictures of all the vehicles.

On Saturday April 6th the long-awaited event in Normal, IL had some of our favorite Rivian community members there. With Chris Hilbert (link) Kyle Conner (link) and EV Guy Zach (link) at the event there was no shortage of content! Special shout out to Pavel on X who goes by Teslify7 for sending me his google drive filled with pictures from the event yesterday!

Out of spec Reviews - Kyle Conner got his hands on an RCV 500 from Rivian and did a 30-minute video livestream Q and A.

Surprise! This morning Kyle uploaded another video from his time in Normal, IL yesterday exploring the Rivian R2. Below is a 30-minute video of Kyle showing everything R2!

Upcoming Events

None at this time - let me know if you’ve found something I’ve missed!

Poll of the Week

We know at 24 hours they had over 68,000 reservations already. I’m confident there are over 100,000 now and want to see where you think R2 reservations are currently at!

Picture of the Week

This will be a new fun feature each week— please submit your favorite picture of anything Rivian. Whether it’s a picture you took of your Rivian, a Rivian in the wild or something else Rivian related that you found! Each week I will pick one to highlight in the newsletter. This week its Chris Hilbert aka Hilbe with RJ in the back of the upcoming Rivian R2.

Thanks for joining this new adventure! Bear with me as I work out the kinks of creating a weekly newsletter. Please subscribe if you enjoy the content and feel free to reach out with any suggestions [email protected]